The residentura obtained information about the status, situation and trends in the countries where the communist countries' interests conflicted with those of the West. It was also tasked with uncovering American and NATO plots to destabilize the situation in Yugoslavia and its involvement in the political and economic system of Western Europe. The residentura supported Yugoslavia in the non-aligned movementand in neutral countries and fulfilled obligations with respect to the Soviet intelligence services and used the territory to control agents from third countries. From 1961 – 1966 the Resident
was Major Lubomír Balcar "Dvořák", from 1970 – 1972 Major Josef Arnošt "Napravil", from 1972 – 1975 Lieutenant Colonel Antonín Jurečka "Jindra" and from 1977 – 1983 Major Bohumil Bednář "Borovec". In 1976 there were seven Directorate I servicemen stationed here and five in 1989: three operatives (Lieutenant Colonel PhDr. František Gottlieb "Gregor"; Lieutenant Colonel Jan Pecha "Kříž"; Major JUDr. Zděnek Formánek "Kolínský"), a ciphererand a radio operator. The last Resident was Captain JUDr. Ing. Pavel Lašček "Lechovič" in 1988.
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